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It's holiday time!

May 16, 2019·Alpine Skiing
Marco Odermatt Facebook Page

Are you wondering what our athletes do when they aren’t training or racing?

The surprising answer is: HOLIDAY!!

They, too, take some vacation time before  sweating hard again under heavy weights, making  uphill, climbs on their bicycles for extended kms, and doing everything that their physical trainers can invent to face the winter at their best.

Let’s take a look at some great ideas from our athletes for relaxing sports holidays:

When? Where? What ? With whom?


Spring time is the preferred season.Following the competition season and equipement testing period, April and May are the best months to enjoy a real break from skiing and training.

Where? ...Far away!

Il m’aura fallu du temps pour que mon corps et mon moral se remettent. C’était un hiver rempli de déceptions, je me suis ressourcée mais surtout reposée et je suis prête à repartir pour retrouver cette sensation d’adrénaline, de surpassement de soi même mais surtout de plaisir. Un grand merci à tous, pour vos mots de soutien et d’encouragement, mes genoux vont mieux ... 🙏🏼 Et évidemment un merci à mes sponsors qui me soutiennent dans les bons mais encore plus dans les mauvais moments. @cstignes @tignesofficiel @rossignolracing @uvexsports @reuschwinter @energiapura.official @region_auvergnerhonealpes #EquipedeFranceDouane #teamcerhonealpes • • Saison 2019 - 2020 c’est partie 🐢💨


Doing other sports or sightseeing or simply lazing

It's THAT time! Soon 🏄‍♀️ #vacationmode #surf #surftrip #friends #sun #relax #byebye

With whom?


As a couple

With teammates or family

Sunset lover 🌅 #CiapetGoesToMauritius
Having a terrible time over here. No fun at all. 🙄🙄 #JustKidding #AMonkeyWalkedOnMyHead #NotKiddingAboutThat #SeriouslyCheckMyStories #OhLala 🤪🤪🤪

From our side, we hope you have a great time before to coming back to the reality of training!

See also: