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Physical training is in full swing within the federations

Jul 04, 2023·Alpine Skiing
Picture @ Swissski

Physical training plays a crucial role in the success of athletes during the winter. Within various ski federations, the significance of rigorous physical training cannot be underestimated. All the athletes are pushing their limits to achieve their own goal during the season.

Those hard training in the gym and outside form the foundation for enhancing an athlete's performance. It involves a combination of exercises, strength training, conditioning, flexibility training, and endurance workouts tailored to the specific demands of alpine skiing.

By following a well-structured training program, athletes can improve their speed, strength, agility, power, and overall athleticism. Those tough hours in the gym aren't always the most fun part of a skier's life, but they're part of success.

The #attackingvickings have just finished their first big training block in Norway, and the athletes are now ready to enjoy a bit of rest before resuming training shortly.

Une publication partagée par Alpinlandslaget (@alpineteamnorway)

On the Austrian side, the boys have just completed a week's training in Kapun, while the girls were in Kaltern and Lech Zürs am Arlberg.

Une publication partagée par Ski Austria Alpin Damen (@ski_austria_alpin_damen)

Alongside good training, it's also important to be able to take advantage of fun activities to strengthen the team spirit within the different training groups.
Last week, the Swiss slalom team spent a day on the water discovering the joys of rafting.

Une publication partagée par Swiss Ski Team (@swissskiteam)

The Swiss are not the only ones who have chosen rafting..

Une publication partagée par Petra Vlhova (@petravlhova13)

The combination of fun activities/new sports seems to be the most fashionable one even in the USSA that has dabbled in MOGULS!

Une publication partagée par Stifel U.S. Ski Team (@usskiteam)

The German Alpine Skiing Federation has been sharing a lot of videos on their social media channels in order to better share the athletes' daily lives during the summer season. Training is in full swing for both the men's and women's teams.

Une publication partagée par DSV_Alpin (@dsv_alpin)

Once again, physical training is an integral part of the skier’s life.
By investing in rigorous and well-designed training programs, federations ensure that athletes have the physical foundation necessary to excel on the snow and make us dream race after race.