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Equipment changes in World Cup 2024

Jun 19, 2024·Cross-Country

Another season has long ended, which means it's time for the service team to gear up for the next one. This involves negotiating various contracts, ranging from short to long-term. After a season without any big Championship event, are we now entering two seasons with World Championship in Trondheim and the Olympic Games in Italy in the horizon.

Jules Chappaz to Madshus
It was in the beginning of May that Chappaz announced on his instagram that he was ending his contract with Salomon.

"After 8 seasons spent with @salomonnordic I decided that it’s time for me to leave the blue ship."

The French guy that this season took his first World Cup podium and last season took his very first World Championship medal in Planica.

He has now reveled that Madshus was the brand he had chose for the upcoming seasons. This move includes not only Chappaz but also his teammate Melisa Gal (FRA) and Lorenzo Romano (ITA) as the new signings for MADSHUS.

Edvin Anger to Rossignol

A guy that has replaced Madshus for the upcoming season is Edvin Anger. The young Swedish rocket that already has 6 World Cup podiums in his career, and this season he was also the best U23 World Cup athlete.

For the upcoming seasons we will see him with the French brand, ROSSIGNOL.

Even Northug to Swix

28 year-old Even Northug from Norway choses new paths with his new ski pole partner Swix.

ATOMIC reports with one new recruiting and that is the Italian woman, Martina di Centa.

Team FISCHER welcomes Richard Jouve to the team and is looking forward to support the 29 year-old on his professional ski journey.

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