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Q&A Frida Hansdotter

Aug 31, 2018·Alpine Skiing
ST. MORITZ, SWITZERLAND Ð FEBRUARY 18: Frida Hansdotter of Sweden competes during the FIS Alpine Ski World Championships Women's Slalom on February 18, 2017 in St. Moritz, Switzerland (Photo by Hans Bezard/Agence Zoom)

The Swedish slalom team always includes big names and the current super star of that team is Frida Hansdotter. Extremely fast between the tiny gates, the native from Norberg was able to celebrate the slalom season ranking in 2016, not less than 26 World Cup podiums and three World Championship medals so far. Here is an interview with the charming and cheerful Frida Hansdotter.

What are your thoughts when you look back on the 2016/17 season? Are you satisfied with your results? 
I'm happy with my season given the circumstances and the struggle at the beginning of the season. One thing especially pleased me: my third straight World Championship medal. I’m very proud of this.

You mentioned your early season struggles. In January, you found your pace and claim a 4th career win in the slalom in Flachau. It must have been quite a relief. Can you describe how you felt on that day? 
Flachau is my absolute favorite competition during the race season. The atmosphere and the fact that it's an evening race make it extra fun. I had a good feeling already in the morning, I knew it would be a fun day. After my podium in Maribor, my self-confidence had returned and I wanted to show how fast I can be. And I did :) My first run was incredible, I’m really satisfied with my skiing in that run!

Mikaela Shiffrin seems to be in her own league in slalom when she is in a good shape. You are one of the few women who was able to beat her several times in the past years, is it motivating or frustrating to race with her? 
Mikaela is incredible, she’s so talented and when she lays down her fastest runs, nobody is close to her. Clearly, it can be frustrating but at the same time, it’s very motivating. I have runs and sections of the courses where I match her time and even some where I am faster. But I think her high level and the fact that she's always so consistent is what makes her so good.

Last season, when you were holding the slalom globe in your hands, you said it’s a dream come true. Is there another concrete goal you are craving for now? 
I'm so happy with my career so far. I do what I love and I‘m having so much fun on the World Cup Tour. Olympics are a big goal this coming season. It would be fun to add an Olympic medal to my World Championship medals :)

With the alpine team event, a new Olympic discipline will be launched in PyeongChang 2018. Statistically, you have a good chance to grab a medal as Team Sweden claimed 10 podiums in 13 events so far. How do you prepare for it regarding the Olympics? Is it a priority for you? 
I think team events are super fun, and as you write, Sweden is a strong team. I am absolutely sure that we will have great chances of taking a medal at the Olympic Games. I will prepare for the team event in the same way than the other disciplines.

The next World Championships will take place in your home country, in Åre. This is where you celebrated three slalom podiums and participated in your first World Champions back in 2007. What does it mean to you to return to Åre ? 
To experience one more World Championship at home in Åre feels fantastic, it's something special to race on home ground.

How is summer preparation going? Is the return on the snow imminent for you, or is there some more relaxed travelling planned before switching to winter mode? 
Summer is treating me well. I’m training a lot at home, as in Sweden, we don't have a place were we gather and train together, but we have two or three camps during the summer that we can attend. As we are traveling 200 days a year, it's nice to have some time at home during summer. I have a house together with my boyfriends and during summer we always have some fun projects on the house or garden, that's relaxing for me. And of course I need some sun, so right now, I'm enjoying a calmer week of holidays in Spain.

Follow Frida Hansdotter on her own channels: 

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