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FIS Snow Safe Policy

FIS believes that all athletes, staff and volunteers have the right to participate and develop in sport, in a safe and inclusive environment, free from all forms of discrimination, abuse, violence, neglect and exploitation. For U18s, these rights are paramount.

FIS is committed to devising and implementing policies to ensure that everyone within the broader remit of the organisation accepts their responsibility to attempt to safeguard athletes and participants from harm and abuse by following procedures 3 designed to safeguard them and reporting any concerns about their welfare through established pathways.

The aim of the FIS Safeguarding policy is to promote good practice, provide athletes of all ages with appropriate safety and protection whilst involved in the activities of FIS, and to allow staff and volunteers to make informed and confident responses to specific safeguarding and athlete/child protection issues.

To contact the FIS Safeguarding Officer: fussek[at]
To contact the FIS Ethics Office: FIS[at] 

Safeguarding Documents
An Overview of FIS Snow Safe Policy
An Overview of FIS Snow Safe Policy
67 kB
FIS Snow Safe Policy
192 kB
FIS Snow Safe Policy
192 kB
FIS Snow Safe Policy - Major Events Guidelines.pdf
414 kB
FIS Snow Safe Policy - Major Events Guidelines.pdf
414 kB
Advice for NSAs Safeguarding Policies
282 kB
Advice for NSAs Safeguarding Policies
282 kB
NSA Template Snow Safe Policy
NSA Template Snow Safe Policy
31 kB

FIS  Integrity Hotline

FIS has established an integrity partnership with Global Sports Investigations. Breaches of governance and ethical matters as provided for in the FIS Code of Ethics, Anti-Corruption and Betting Rules, FIS Snow Safe Policy and the FIS Anti-Doping Rules can be reported to the external Integrity Hotline. Confidentiality is guaranteed by Global Sports Investigations.

Integrity Hotline:         FIS | Home (

Integrity Phone:          +44 (0)207 034 3403

Integrity Email:           FIS[at]