Marc Hodler Foundation
FIS established the Marc Hodler Foundation (MHF) in the year 1998 with the objective of promoting ski sport globally. Based in Oberhofen (SUI), the foundation aims to support the advancement of skisport, cultural, science and other activities which are connected to snow sports and their development, as well as supporting severely injured or athletes suffering from serious illness.
The foundation has a charitable character and does not pursue financial gains. Its statutory bodies consist of a foundation board of six members: MHF President, FIS President Johan Eliasch (GBR), Treasurer Mats Arjes (SWE) and the members Aki Murasato (JPN), Dexter Pain (USA), Roman Kumpost (CZE), Peter Schröcksnadel (AUT) and Virginie Faivre (SUI). The Marc Hodler Foundation manages its' assets through financial investments and other subventions. The financial audit is carried out by auditors, Wistag AG.
The patronage committee consists of the ordinary members of the FIS Council.
Application procedure for financial support:
Applications must be submitted by the 30th April and 30th September of each year to the Board of Trustees of the Marc Hodler Foundation in Oberhofen (SUI).
Each application must clearly state the purpose, the corresponding budget and additional supporting documentation. In the cases of hardship due to severe injuries or illness, the MHF requires medical reports, as well as details of assistance through insurances, national organisations, sponsors or fan clubs.Requests will be checked with reference to the statutes of the Foundation and a decision on the application will be made during the next meeting of the Board of Trustees, either in spring or autumn. The decision will be communicated to the applicant in writing.
In case of a positive decision, the requested amount will be transferred to the applicant either through the National Ski Association or an alternative recipient within an appropriate timeframe.
Who is eligible to apply for support?
In principle persons/organisations from the world of skiing are eligible to apply. Athletes and former athletes will be prioritised. Applications should in principle be endorsed by the National Ski Association. The Board of Trustees will decide whether the application is justified or not.Applications for book publications need to be clearly defined. Autobiographies or memories of ski pioneers, former athletes and ski officials will not be supported. Book publications need to be in at least one of the official FIS languages.