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Tzeko Minev

Tzeko Minev © Agence Zoom

Tzeko Minev (BUL) has been member of the FIS Sub Committee for the Alpine World Cup since 2006 as well serving as a member of the former FIS Commission of European Questions.

Minev was a member of the Executive board of Bulgarian Olympic Committee from 2005-2019, when he has been elected as a Vice-President, responsible for the winter sports development.

For the last 18 years, since 2003, Mr. Minev has served as the President of the Bulgarian Ski Federation. He also served as a chairman of the LOCs of all 11 Alpine and Snowboard World Cups held in Bulgaria since 2007.

He has enjoyed a remarkable career in banking and investments, and is the founder and one of the majority shareholders of Fibank. He stands behind the development of Bansko ski resort and other big-scale investments projects in ski sports.

A holder of a Master’s degree in Economics, he is married, with one son and lives in Sofia. He is a passionate skier, tennis player and former player from the Bulgarian national water-polo team.

He was elected to the FIS Council in June 2021.