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1975 – San Francisco (USA)

30th International Ski Congress: 25th to 31st May 1975 – San Francisco (USA)

82 delegates from 33 countries

  • Recognition of ladies' 20 km Cross-Country.

  • Setting up of Junior World Nordic Skiing Championships.

  • Adoption of new rules for qualification making provision for a category of racers who could not take part in the Olympic Games.

  • Laminated ski suits are banned.

  • The formula for the parallel slalom is maintained, with revised rules.

  • Mr. Gian Franco Kasper (SUI, aged 29) is appointed as the person in charge of FIS Administration.

Safety and skiing. The President of the FIS, Marc Hodler, declares: ”The approval of alpine ski runs should be reviewed regularly in view of the constant improvement in speeds which are becoming excessive and which make jumps uncontrollable. The present runs which are too straight should be modified, and made more technical in order to limit the speed.”