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Frenzel and Weber at SGP 2017 kick-off press conference

Aug 31, 2018·Nordic Combined
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German Nordic Combined star power at the kick-off press conference for the 2017 Summer Grand Prix in Oberwiesenthal - local heroes Eric Frenzel and Terence Weber met up with the organisers and media representatives to get the summer of 2017 officially under way.

“You always have to wait and see how everybody is at the first competitions”, the German superstar said when asked about the prospects for the upcoming weekend. “We have trained a lot lately but were also able to get some rest.” His young teammate Terence Weber added: “It will most likely not be easy but after a good preparation, I am hoping for good results.”

OC Secretary General Christian Freitag was satisfied with the status of all preparations. “The very complex security concept for the combined event (Summer Grand Prix Nordic Combined and Continental Cup Ski Jumping Ladies) gave us some trouble but now, we are well equipped and full of confidence for a smooth weekend."

One speed bump on the road to the 2017 Summer Grand Prix was smoothed over well in advance. As the new lift could not be finished in time for the weekend, the OC will provide the same fine-tuned shuttle service that the Nordic Combined and Ski Jumping athletes already got used to in the past year. Mayor Mirko Ernst: “I am sure we will get all athletes up to the jumping hill in good time.”

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