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Otepää (EST): Hansen wins first PCR of 2023

Jan 06, 2023·Nordic Combined
© Volk/NordicFocus

The Provisional Competition Round for the Women’s FIS World Cup in Otepää (EST) took place today in minus degrees this morning. 
29 athletes from 10 nations were on the Start List for a training jump and the PCR afterwards.

Due to difficult wind conditions the Training and PCR had to be postponed from Thursday to Friday.

Coming from gate 12, Gyda Westvold Hansen reached 91.5 meters and collected 127 points due to the bonus. Therewith, the Norwegian Overall World Cup leader took the victory of the PCR.

Rank 2 went to Lisa Hirner from Austria with 92.5 meters and 125.8 points (+5 sec). German Svenja Würth reached the furthest distance of the day with 94.5 meters (120.4 pts) and placed third.

Results: Individual Women HS97/5km PCR – 6.1.23 Otepää

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