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Oberstdorf (GER): PCR victory for Riiber

Jan 12, 2024·Nordic Combined
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The Men’s Provisional Competition Round for the kick-off of the WIRmachenDRUCK German Trophy, took place in Oberstdorfs winter wonderland this morning.  
56 athletes from 13 nations were on the Start List for one training jump and the PCR afterwards.

Overall World Cup leader Jarl Magnus Riiber proofed his jumping strength once again and reached 104.5 meters. With a total of 142.9 points the Norwegian took the victory of the PCR. 
Rank 2 was taken by Thomas Rettenegger from Austria, with 104.5 meters and 137.8 points.

The furthest jump of the day was performed by Franz-Josef Rehrl with 105 meters. With 137.2 points the Austrian secured the third rank.

The PCR was executed as an Individual Compact event.

Results: PCR Compact Men HS106/7.5km – 12.1.24 Oberstdorf

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