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Andreas Kofler: On his way back as newly-minted dad

Aug 31, 2018·Ski Jumping
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Andreas Kofler, who missed the entire last season due to an auto-immune disease, his currently highly motived to work on his comeback.

"Andi is a very experienced jumper, a nice guy and it's good for the whole team that he is a part of it again. Of course I hope that he will be able to close the gap again. This is everything but easy after his illness, but currently he is jumping very well. He is very extremely motivated, really enjoys it and he is definitely on the right track", the new head coach Andreas Felder said about the veteran on his team.

After his health problems last winter, Andreas Kofler now also had to skip the second of three training camps this spring. But this time, it was for a very joyful reason: The 34-year-old became a father for the first time. His daughter Luise was born on June 1st.

The Tyrolean was then able to join the team again for the next training camp this week. "The camp in Carinthia is always a special highlight because there are so many possibilities with the hills in Villach and Planica. This is exactly what I need to close the gap to the rest of the team. It went really well for me so far. I make continuous progress and with seeing what the other guys do I know what I still have to work on. I had to look at last season from a different perspective due to my illness. Of course, this was not nice, but there are always ups and downs in sports. That's part of the game. Everyone on the team is very positive-minded and there's a spirit of optimism."

The main goal of Andreas Kofler next winter are the World Championships at home in Seefeld. The ticket sale for this highlight of the upcoming season started on Friday (

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