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Construction works in full swing in Vikersund

Aug 31, 2018·Ski Jumping
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Construction works are currently in progress at the huge Ski Flying hill in Vikersund (NOR) in order to meet the requirements of the International Ski Federation (FIS).

The new profile of the Vikersundbakken, which was already tested this past winter with snow, is now made permanent. The lower part of the hill is being filled, afterwards, the knoll will be lowered.

Right next to the Ski Flying hill in Vikersund, a new K 65 hill is built, it shall be completed by the start of the next winter season.

Work is also in progress at other World Cup facilities in Norway right now: The organizers in Trondheim and Lillehammer started to implement the required changes, the work on both hills shall be finished this summer and fall.

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