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Aug 31, 2018·Ski Jumping
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1927: First skijumping competition (23. January) on this hill: longest jump: 47,5 m

1933: Reconstruction of the jumping facilities: longest jump: 74 m

1942: The wood constructed jumping tower collapses during a visit of soccer team members from Villingen: 4 died

1949: New building according to plans from the 30's

1952: First Four-Hills-Tournament with jumping in Innsbruck on January 3, 1953

1964: Olympic wintergames in Innsbruck, reconstruction of the stadium

1976: Olympic wintergames in Innsbruck, reconstruction of the stadium

1988: The pope visits Innsbruck and celebrates mass inside the stadium

2001: New jumping stadium is under construction

2002: Official opening (14. September)

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