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US Ski Jumping Nationals: Clear win for Michael Glasder

Aug 31, 2018·Ski Jumping
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The US Ski Jumping Championships on the normal hill took place in Lake Placid on Sunday. There Michael Glasder and Nina Lussi could end this year's summer season with a win.

In this competition, which was held under difficult wind conditions on the HS 100 Olympic hill, Michael Glasder was clearly the best ski jumper in both rounds with 96 m and 100.5 m. The 28-year-old took his second national title with 261.0 points. He stood on top of the podium at US Nationals for the first time two years ago also on this hill in Lake Placid.

The second place went to Kevin Bickner, who came in more than 30 points behind the winner with his jumps of 92.5 m and 90.5 m (229.0 points). Nordic Combined athlete Bryan Fletcher finished third with 91 m and 82 m and 210.0 points.

AJ Brown was fourth and missed the podium by only one point, he was followed by Will Rhoads and Nick Mattoon in fifth and sixth.

Canada's Mackenzie Boyd-Clowes, who won the competition of the traditional Flaming Leaves Festival ahead of Kevin Bickner, Will Rhoads and Michael Glasder a day earlier, was the second best jumper in this competition with 90.5 m and 95 m and 237.5 points.

Nina Lussi took a clear win in the ladies' competition with 88 m and 94.5 m and a total of 227.0 points. The other two spots on the podium went to Nita Englund (92 m and 90 m; 202.5 points) and Abby Ringquist (76.5 m and 80 m; 170.5 points).

Full results
Feb 10, 202480 kB
Full results
Feb 10, 202480 kB

The US championships on the large hill were held late July in Park City. Back then, the titles went to Will Rhoads and Nita Englund.

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