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JWSC: Victory for Russian mixed team

Jan 27, 2019·Ski Jumping
© Romina Eggert

The final Ski Jumping competition at this year's Junior World Championships in Lahti (FIN) was the mixed team event on Sunday afternoon. There Russia could celebrate the third gold medal at this JWSC.

After winning the ladies' individual competition with Anna Shpyneva and the ladies' team event, Russia, represented by Anna Shpyneva, Mikhail Purtov, Lidiia Iakovleva, and Maxim Sergeev, also came in first in the mixed team competition with 984.4 points.

Even though they showed the best performance in the second round, Norway finished in a close second today, the lead of the Russians after the first round was already too big. Ingebjoerg Saglien Braaten, Fredrik Villumstad, Silje Opseth, and individual World Champion Thomas Aasen Markeng took silver for Norway with 976.6 points.

With 964.8 points, the bronze medal went to the team of Germany with Agnes Reisch. Luca Roth, Selina Freitag, and Constantin Schmid.

Austria was fourth, followed by Slovenia, France, Japan, and Italy, who also qualified for the second round and finished on the places five to eight.

The two best jumpers in individual rankings were Anna Shpyneva and Thomas Aasen Markeng.

Full results

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