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Andreas Widhoelzl: Overall World Cup title is the goal

May 29, 2020·Ski Jumping
Andreas Widhoelzl

Premiere for Andreas Widhoelzl: For the first time this spring and under their new head coach, some Austrian ski jumpers, among them Philipp Aschenwald and Clemens Leitner, returned to the hill again for Ski Jumping training in Innsbruck on Thursday.

After he has already been working with the Austrian Ski Association for the past few years, the 43-year-old former world-class ski jumper now started his new job full of anticipation: "You don't get a chance like this that often, but I didn't have any stress regarding the time. I wanted to stay in Austria and it has always been my goal to take this position. I have been an assistant coach for five years, but it's something different when you are in charge", Andreas Widhoelzl is quoted on

The Tyrolean has already set high goals for his first season on the new job and, first and foremost, the hopes rest on last winter's overall World Cup champion, Stefan Kraft: "Of course the goal for me this year is another overall title for Kraft. And who knows Stefan, knows that he won't be satisfied with anything less than that."

The expectations on the other members of his team are high as well: "Our goal is to fight for the medals in every event. We have a big potential and a very interesting team with very experienced athletes like Stefan and young, good jumpers like Marco Woergoetter and Clemens Leitner."

The first joint training camp of the national team is scheduled to take place in Carinthia mid-June.

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