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Marita Kramer strong for 2021/22 World Cup season opener

Nov 25, 2021·Ski Jumping
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The 2021-2022 World Cup started in Russia for the first time with today the qualification in Nizhny Tagil. The wait was over for 65 athletes from 17 nations. In recent years, the World Cup always started early December in Lillehammer (NOR) but the hills here could be prepared earlier due to the lower temperatures.

Austrian Marita Kramer, last year winner in Normal Hill won again this year with the longest jump of the day on 96m and 119,8 points. Sara Takanashi, Japan, fighting last year for overall finished second. Katharina Althaus finished third, a very good start of the season for the German.

Slovenian team came a few points behind, with position 4th to 7th. Ursa Bogataj, who showed strong performances this summer winning the 2021 Grand Prix Overall was the best, followed by Nika Kriznar, last year overall winner. Ema Klinec (2021 World Champion) and Jerneja Brecl conclued this good team performance.

Eva Pinkelnig, who missed most of last season after an injury, showed a great performance and turned as second best Austrian jumper in 8th position ahead of teammate Daniela Iraschko-Stolz.

Irma Makhinia is the best local athlete in the top 10.

Last year best Norvegian, Silje Opseth, finished today 19th. Only 2 more teammate were competing tonight. Eirin Maria Kvanda who had a serious crash in Hinzenbach (AUT) in February is more likely to be back next 2022/23 season. Maren Lundby, 2018 Olympic Champion and twice World Champion, already announed in fall that she will not be competing this season.

The teams of China could celebrate today their return in World Cup as they could not be competing last year but none could qualify this evening.

The World Cup opener is on Friday at 19.30 LOC, (15.30 CET) the second competition follows on Saturday at 16.00 LOC, (12.00 CET)

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