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Eva Pinkelnig wins in Ljubno

Jan 27, 2024·Ski Jumping
fot. NordicFocus

With jumps of 91 and 90.5 meters and 269.3 points, Eva Pinkelnig won the competition on Saturday afternoon. Second place went to Nika Prevc, who ensured at least one Slovenian podium finish with 92 and 85 and 262.5 points. Third place went to Canada's Alexandria Loutitt with 89 and 88.5 meters and 258.9 points.

"I would like to thank the many spectators here, this is the coolest crowd we have ever had the pleasure of experiencing. I consider myself very lucky to be competing against so many great athletes and I'm super happy about my jumps today," said Pinkelnig after her twelfth World Cup victory. Yuki Ito was the best Japanese athlete in fourth place, while team colleague Sara Takanashi came eighth. In the person of Nika Kriznar, who fought her way up five positions to fifth place in the final, a second Slovenian also finished in the top ten.

Canada also had a second jumper in the top ten thanks to Abigail Strate in seventh place. Thea Minyan Bjoerseth, who was the only Norwegian to make it into the competition, finished sixth. Jenny Rautionaho was the clear winner of the Finnish team duel in ninth place, while Katharina Schmid was the best German in tenth. Anna Rupprecht was also only 2.6 points behind her teammate in twelfth place. Selina Freitag and Juliane Seyfarth finished 18th and 19th in the top 20, Luisa Görlich was 26th.

Four members of the ÖSV team were also among the top 20: Jacqueline Seifriedsberger, Julia Mühlbacher and Lisa Eder finished in 13th, 14th and 16th place. Meanwhile, the two Slovenians Tina Erzar and Taja Bodlaj delivered the best World Cup results in 17th and 20th place. Erzar is also the first female jumper born in 2008 to score World Cup points. Jerica Jesenko completed the triple of Slovenian best performances in 28th place. France's Emma Chervet was also able to celebrate a new personal best, finishing 24th, while the only Czech representative Veronika Jencova took her first World Cup point in 30th place.

With Ursa Vidmar and Ziva Andric, who qualified for the competition from the national group, two debutants finished their first World Cup competition in 36th and 37th place, one place behind Italy's Martina Ambrosi, who set her best World Cup result in 35th place. With an official crowd of 10,000 spectators, Ljubno set a record - never before had so many spectators been at the hill on a single day of a women's World Cup event that was not held together with the men's event.

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