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Simona Meiler announces career's end

Aug 31, 2018·Snowboard Cross
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Swiss snowboard cross athlete Simona Meiler hangs up her snowboard boots ending her competitive snowboard career after 13 winter seasons.

The 28-year-old is looking back on 66 World Cup starts with second rank finishes in Telluride, USA (2009) and La Molina, Spain (2010) being her best results.

The goofy rider also represented her home country at three World Championships and three Olympic Winter Games where she earned a ninth (Vancouver 2010) and tenth (Sochi 2014) place finish.

“Over the past years, I was able to learn a lot. I was chasing my dreams with passion. Now, I'm looking forward to end this formative years. It's time for a change, for something new,” she commented her retirement in a press release sent out by her federation.

Besides focusing on her studies at ETH Zurich Meiler is also learning the coffee roaster trade.

However, she will never stop riding. “That's for sure. Not in competition but with fun and passion.”

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