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Monday Mix - July 5, 2021

Jul 05, 2021·Snowboard Park & Pipe
Lucas Foster (USA) at Mt. Hood © Mike Dawson/US Ski & Snowboard Team

Despite the calendar flipping over to July last week, there's plenty firing in the world of snowboarding as we speak, with summer camps going down from Mt Hood to Les 2 Alpes to Zermatt, and the winter season rounding into form in places like Hotham and Cardrona. As always, there's way too much to cover in our humble Monday Mix, but we'll do what we can to bring you a little taste of the best to get your week started.

This week we'll kick things off with some a little Leon double header - starting with Herr Vockensperger, some extremely fun looking slush shredding, and a puppy thrown into the equation just in case you're suffering from a case of the Monday blues...

A post shared by Leon Vockensperger (@leonvockensperger)

Back-to-back Leons means that next up we've got Leon Guetala, who very conveniently dropped a clip full of back-to-back mirror image tricks from Moelltaler - first reg, then switch. The German lads were def bringing the heat last week...

A post shared by Leon Gütl (@leone_guetala)

And while we're checking in on Moelltaler we should probably see what Clemens Millauer has been up to, seeing as he's kind of become the unofficial king of the spot over the past couple of seasons. As you can probably imagine, he's been crushing it once again this summer...

A post shared by Clemens Millauer (@clemensmillauer)

This one's a bit of a throwback but it fits in with our geographically-located theme of the next few posts so we'll go with it - Reira Iwabuchi posted this hype little line she laid down a few weeks ago in Absolut Park, as she looks forward to getting back on snow ASAP...

A post shared by Leila Iwabuchi⛄️岩渕麗楽 (@leila_iwabuchi)

A few hours west into Switzerland and Zermatt's Glacier Paradise park opened up over the weekend. Not much to say here except that it looks fun and we're jealous...

A post shared by Snowpark Zermatt 🇨🇭 (@snowparkzermatt)

Still moving west through the Alps/Alpes, we land in Les Deux, where the smiles on the faces of the French SBX team tell us that they're having a pretty alright time in their first warm-up camp for the upcoming Olympic season...

A post shared by FFS FédérationFrançaiseDeSki (@fedfranceski)

Time to head way west now, over the ocean and the whole darn North American continent to Mt Hood, where the heaviest concentration of snowboard content in the entire world is focused right at this very moment. Tough to choose exactly where to start there in Oregon, but maybe let's keep it pure for a second with this frontside tail floater from Chase Josey...

A post shared by U.S. Snowboard Team (@ussnowboardteam)

Or howabout US Lucas Foster linking a few beauty hits in the sunshine...

A post shared by Lucas Foster (@lucasfoster_)

Things are so fun there in Hood that even the coaches are getting in on the action. Although maybe that shouldn't be too suprising when the coach we're talking about is the legend himself, JJ Thomas. The man is like a fine wine, we tells ya...

A post shared by JJ (@jjthomas_)

You'll notice those lovely photos in JJ's post above were shot by none other than Mike "Dawsy" Dawson, who has been an absolute workhorse for the US team over the past couple of seasons. Last week, however, he took a minute to turn the lens on Japan's Raibu Katayama for a couple truly iconic lip shots...

A post shared by D A W S Y (@mikedawsy)

It would be pretty easy to get stuck in a Hood hole all day with the amount of action going down there, but we've got to break away and send it down south now, as Fyve Camps came through with this Chilean check-in featuring Pedro Pizarro Sallato and coach Fufu...

A post shared by FYVE Camps / Snowboard Media (@fyve_camps)

And from there, let's head westward one more time on the Monday Mix express, as we sail across to New Zealand to check in on Cardrona. There we find Aspen 2021 slopestyle World Champ Zoi Sadowski-Synnott and friends having a banger of a day last week...

A post shared by Cardrona Alpine Resort (@cardronanz)

(Also, the revamped Cardrona park is lookin' tidy...)

A post shared by Cardrona Alpine Resort (@cardronanz)

That's probably enough of the whole world tour thing. Time to go rapidfire with whatever we've got saved in the ol' Notes file here, because there's a lot to get through - such as hanging out at the gymnasium with Elias Allenspach...

A post shared by Elias Allenspach (@eliasallenspach)

Or doing normal stuff in a field with Nicolas Huber...

A post shared by Nicolas Huber (@hubercop)

Or being the chillest dude ever with Moritz Boll...

A post shared by M🎱ritz (@moritzboll)

Or celebrating the Fourth of July with Burton...

A post shared by Burton (@burton)

And on and on it goes...

We'll throw things over to Anna Gasser to wrap things up for this week, as the queen herself dropped the latest teaser for her upcoming video project, "The Spark Within." This thing is shaping up to be an iconic project, and we cannot wait to see the finished product...

A post shared by Anna Gasser (@annagassersnow)

Thanks for following along - hope you enjoyed the ride once again this week! Time to pond skim on outta here...

A post shared by FYVE Camps / Snowboard Media (@fyve_camps)

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