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Athlete of the Week - Naila Cardwell (GBR)

Jun 25, 2019·Telemark
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Do want to know more about our Telemark Athletes? Then you are on the right place! Each week in Summer we introduce one athlete of the Telemark family.

This Week: Naila Cardwell, Great Britain

First Name: Naila

Last Name: Cardwell

Birthdate: 13.04.2000

Language: English, French

Sponsors: GB Team sponsors (Leggett Immobilier, Aquatronic Group Management (AGM), Dare 2b, Vola and Point 6)

Profession: Student

Hobbies: All sports

Motto: Be positive!

Why do you Telemark? I whanted to try somthing new. I thought that telemark looked cool and fun so I tryed it, and loved the feeling. I realy like the chalange.

What is your favorite Telemark discipline? I like all of them. However my favourite discipline is the parallel sprint. Because you never know what’s going to happen.

How often do you train per Week? Whats your favorite Training? When I lived in Chamonix: 15h per week in winter now in Lyon I'm still figuring out how and when to train. My favoutrite training is when we set a course and it's sunny.

What was the best experience of your career so far? So many...

Whats your favorite race on the World Cup Calendar? Norway the skiing is so much fun and the view is amazing.

Want to know more about Naila Cardwell? Here some quick links to the Homepage, Sponsors, Partners...

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