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2nd FIS Telemark World Cup hosted in Passy-Plaine Joux (Haute Savoie, France)

Feb 23, 2021·Telemark
Sam Decout

Passy-Plaine Joux (Haute Savoie, France) hosted the second round of the FIS Telemark World Cup between the 10-13th of February 2021. Two Sprints and two classics were on the menu for the racers.

This race wasn’t planned in the calendar. It was been organised within two weeks by Seb Mansart (GB Team Coach) and Julien Annequin (French Team Coach) with a massive involvement of the locals of Plaine Joux in order to replace most of the stage cancelled in France due to the Covid situation. And what a race under the eyes of her Majesty Mont-Blanc! A little resort with a big heart.

The local hill crew did an amazing job and the Classic didn’t disappointed with two nordic sections and two looms! The track was perfect for telemark racing with a lot of various steeps, natural turns and a big wall which witnessed many falls. Not a straight line track but a track in accordance with the freeheel turn aesthetic and spirit: curves, curves and curves. Passy-Plaine Joux gained points to become a place to be for the future World Cups. It’s not really a surprise because it’s the garden of Laly Chaucheprat (FRA) native of Chamonix.

The biggest challenge for Chaucheprat was to see his garden transformed into a field race and to not to think about it as a usual home spot. She did well and finished on the box for the second Sprint (3th).

The Swiss team is still set like a clockwork with a massive domination. The French team men did a great job, appearing on most of the podiums and showed that they have the determination to challenge the Swiss team.

Amélie Wenger-Reymond (SUI) did the holeshot for each race and is leading for the overall Crystal Globe with no more suspense. She’s fast everywhere and is able to control every race whatever the situations as weather or snow conditions.

Beatrice Zimmermann (SUI) went 2nd, 5th, 3rd and 5th. Martina Wyss (SUI) went 4th, 2nd, 2nd and 4th.

Concerning the girls able to change these predictions between Amélie, Béatrice and Martina, we can focus on:

- Jasmin Taylor (GB): 5/8/4/6 - ranking 4th for the Crystal Globe

- Johanna Holzmann (GER): 3/6/5/2 - ranking 5th for the Crystal Globe

- Argeline Tan Bouquet (FRA): 6/4/6/3 - ranking 6th for the Crystal Globe

Jasmin Taylor had some trouble with the changing snow and weather conditions and with penalties during this four days. But she is still showing that she can ski fast with some of the best timings on the GS sections. Tan Bouquet can also be fast and looks determined to train harder and harder to challenge the top 3. We wish her also a better mojo for the nordic section regarding her ski poles: broken poles in Oberjoch, Germany and then in Passy.

« The organizers did an incredible job to put these races together in 2 weeks. The track and weather conditions were not the easiest but thanks to the work of the many volunteers the races were a success. Thank you to all! The battle for the 2nd and 3rd place in the general ranking will still be very interesting and I think we have good chances to make a triple with Bea Zimmermann and Martina Wyss. But many other girls still have revenge to take and many are able to change these predictions! »Words from Amélie Wenger-Reymond (SUI)
My week was not great, I‘m happy about the two podiums but not with my performance. The straight course setting and conditions didn‘t suit me well, it was no fun to ski for me. Still not showing my best skiing in the races is disappointing but I‘ll keep trying! Still super thankful for the 4 races that took place, you never stop learning! I do not look at the rankings at all, since I started the season with 2 crashes I‘m far away with the points. I try to give my very best every race and I will stay patient, this year it‘s the World Championships which count the most for me. »Johanna Holzmann (GER)

Looks like learning on the field race is a part of the process for most of the racers this year. We can consider that it’s normal given this strange winter and the difficulties to train with optimal conditions.

Regarding to the men, Nicolas Michel (SUI) won the first Sprint but then Bastien Dayer (SUI) dominated the three other races even if he admits he had some pressure for the jump of the last classic. Indeed most of his direct outsiders reached the jump line and he had to! Dayer is challenged by younger racers with 10 years age difference. It seems that experience always pays for Dayer and he is still leading for the Crystal Globe. As for Wenger-Reymond he knows how to control the race. But for sure he’s still able to go outside his comfort zone. For the men, engagement outside the comfort zone looks to be the rules in order to reach the overall top 3. At this level every mistake costs points. By the way the freeheel turn remains stochastic, even if you are controlling everything can happen between the gates and you can fall. A pinch of mojo will always be needed to succeed and nobody can explain.

Men ranking for Passy and for the globe:

- Nicolas Michel (SUI): 1/5/5/3 - ranking 2nd for the Crystal Globe

- Noé Clay (FRA): 3/3/3/4 - ranking 3rd for the Crystal Globe

- Jure Ales (SLO): 5/6/2/2 - ranking 4th for the Crystal Globe

- Trym Nygaard Loeken (NOR): 4/7/4/5 - ranking 5th for the Crystal Globe

For the moment the Crystal Globe winner should be disputed between Dayer and Michel. For the second and third place, everything is still possible between Clay (FRA), Ales (SLO) and Loeken (NOR).

We can also salute the first podiums of Elie Nabot (FRA) and Théo Sillon (FRA) each ending respectively 2nd for the Sprints (Sprint 2 for Nabot, Sprint 1 for Sillon). Antoine Bouvier retired racer from the French Team was there for coaching. Seeing him so involved makes us think that he should take the reins of the team when Julien Annequin will retire from coaching.

Almost a clear round for me with three victories out of 4 races. Before our trip to France, I had checked out the track and I was surprised by the character of this track: a lot of change of slope, certainly an advantage in the conditions we were going to have, we had to ski like a cat and not like a brute...But even when I arrived well prepared physically and mentally (despite a few sleeping hours less thanks to my children), I knew that the race would be on the jump for me. Indeed, at the moment I am skiing with commitment and very fast on the giant as well as on the skating, but my pet peeve at the beginning of the season was my commitment on the jump. I am satisfied that I was able to focus on this point so that I wouldn't let a stupid victory slip through my fingers... For the rest of the season, everything will depend on the conditions, I think that if we have some nice races with the sun, the outcome of the season could be in my favour. On the other hand, if the conditions are more difficult, I see the young Frenchmen pushing hard and I would also bet on Nicolas to make up his gap. In any case, the outcome will be tight in all disciplines between Trym, Jure, Nicolas, Noe and myself… I would say that the big favorite are Nicolas & myself because we are both at home, then see you in Thyon in a few weeks! »Bastien Dayer (SUI)
After oberjoch i was pretty sure of myself and my ski. I would like to confirm my results in Passy. Now, it's done, all the conditions were here to ! Their was a good slope, perfect french staff and i felt good at the start. I still make few little mistakes and all the guys are so strong. So if i want to win a world-cup again, I have to take risks and keep my mind focus to do a perfect race. I really want to keep my third place to the overall world-cup, but i will, only if i stay in this mentality. The rest of the season, it will be a beautiful fight betwin all the favourites and i put all the french guys in ! Concerning the french womens they are also capable to do some strong races and i expected lot of them.Noé Clay (FRA)

Next round will be in Thyon (SUI) 10-14 of March.

We would like also to thanks all the partners of the Passy Plaine-Joux Telemark World Cup who did an amazing job along with Seb Mansart and Julien Annequin.

- Maire de Passy

- Ski Club Passy-Varan

- Passy Mont Blanc Tourisme

- Ski Indoor 4810

- Vola Racing Sports

- Résidence le Fontenay

- Fédération Française de Ski

- Savoie Mont Blanc

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