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Q&A: Noe Roth

Nov 29, 2020·Freestyle
FIS Freestyle Ski Aerials  World Cup competition in Krasnoyarsk (RUS). Photo: Mateusz Kielpinski (FIS)

In the lead-up to the 2020/21 FIS Freestyle Ski World Cup season we'll be interviewing some of last season's crystal globe winners to find out what they've been up to in the off-season, what they're looking forward as we head into winter, and hopefully a little bit more about what it's like behind the scenes for some of the top athletes. Today we're catching up with 2019/20 aerials crystal globe winner Noe Roth of Switzerland…

FIS - Let’s take it back to last year’s World Cup finals in Krasnoyarsk. What’s the feeling to win your first World Cup competition and the crystal globe on the same night?

Noe Roth - Wrapping up the World Cup tour with my first win and the crystal globe just felt amazing and overwhelming. It also took a while for it to really sink in.

FIS - What's the biggest thing that you’ve learned, personally, in this past season?

NR - I’ve learned that having a great support system is very important and that it really had a big impact on my success this year.

FIS - What does it mean to you to enter the new season as a reigning World Cup crystal globe winner?

NR - It just feels cool to be able to wear the number one bib to kick off the season. I hope that I  can keep it until the end too.

FIS - Do you have any specific goals for the World Championships coming up in February?

NR - My goal for the world championships this year is to make finals first and then hopefully get a spot on the podium.

FIS - How did you handle the whole lockdown situation and the ongoing uncertainties of the pandemic after the season ended?

NR - It wasn’t too bad for us in Switzerland this summer. We have our own water ramps here and we could train like every year.

FIS - What’s in store for you when it comes to preparations before the season kicks off in Ruka in just a couple of weeks from now?

NR - After three weeks of training in Saas-Fee we’ve just got to Ruka and we will continue training here until the World Cup.

FIS - Last but not least, what is it that you love most about aerial skiing?

NR - I love flying and just being able do some flips and twists in the air and then skiing away from it.

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