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Athlete of the Week - Cory Snyder (USA)

Jul 08, 2020·Telemark
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Do want to know more about our Telemark Athletes? Then you are on the right place! Each week in Summer we introduce one athlete of the Telemark family.

This Week: Cory Snyder, USA

First Name: Cory

Last Name: Snyder

Birthdate: 08.08.1992

Language: English

Material: Atomic, 22 Designs, Scarpa, Vola Sports, Karbon Minus33

Sponsors: Global Rescue, Telemark Down

Profession: PhD Student - Biomechanics, Training and Movement Science

Hobbies: Mountain Biking, Climbing

Motto: Live the dream

Why do you Telemark? I telemark because I love the turn!  I started telemark when I was young because I wanted to challenge myself, then I became addicted!  I am fully addicted to the feeling of carving high speed telemark turns.  To me there is no other feeling on earth that can replicate how I feel dropping knees on the mountain.

What is your favorite Telemark discipline? Call me crazy, but my favorite discipline is the Classic.  I love the mental challenge of standing in the start knowing that the next 2.5 minutes are going to be absolute torture.  Figuring out how to be the fastest though all the physical and mental chanllenges that the Classic poses to athletes is what makes the best the best in my opinion.

How often do you train per Week? Whats your favorite Training? I do some type of training every day.  Some days means a strength workout in the morning and intervals in the afternoon, some days it's a few hours in the boulder hall, some days it's hiking 1300 vertical meters up the Untersberg here in Salzburg, some days it's just some yoga.  My favorite training is the one that leaves my totally exhaused yet completely happy!

What was the best experience of your career so far? There are plenty of highlights for me, but the best experience of my carrer has to be my first victory in a US National Championships in 2010 at Whitefish Resort in Montata.   It was in a parallel GS against American legend Shane Anderson.  Until that point, I knew that I had some speed, but I really didn't know what my true potential was.  I was totally not expecting the win, but I think that win really set the bar for as far as expecting excellence from myself.

Whats your favorite race on the World Cup Calendar? There are so many stops that are epic, but I have to say La Thuile, Italy.  Growing up on the east coast of the US, there is a special place in my heart for steep icy pitches, and La Thuile never fails to deliver!

**Tell us something  we should know about you...**I like to think that I am the most interesting man in Telemark, I was in an a cappella group, I'm a mad science nerd, and I fancy myself quite the chef, as long as it isn't baking!

Last but not least..what do you wish for the Future? My goals for the Future are pretty staight forward: Win.  I've been at this game long enough to know I can, time to step up!

Want to know more about Cory Snyder? Here some quick links to the Homepage, Sponsors, Partners...

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