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Athlete of the Week - Matěj Kopecký (CZE)

Jul 22, 2020·Telemark
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Do want to know more about our Telemark Athletes? Then you are on the right place! Each week in Summer we introduce one athlete of the Telemark family.

This Week: Matěj Kopecký, Czechia

First Name: Matěj

Last Name: Kopecký

Birthdate: 29.04.1998

Language: Czech, English, little bit German

Sponsors:  Coling Technology Solution s.r.o. - Construction and design cooling technology
SINOP a.s. - producer of refrigeration units
DANEK s.r.o.- cooling technology service
PRAGOPOLAIR s.r.o. - warehouse of cooling
TOUCHWARE s.r.o.. - IT technologies developer
Ski-Max s.r.o. - Ski seller

Profession: Student of CTU in Prag Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Hobbies: Judo, kayak, windsurfing

Motto: The ultimate answer to life the universe and everything is...42

Why do you Telemark? This is sipmle ...because it is awesome and I like it..

What is your favorite Telemark discipline? The Parallel Sprint

How often do you train per Week? Whats your favorite Training? 5-6 times per week and my favourite is ski-training

What was the best experience of your career so far? The 5th place at the World Cup Krvavec (SLO) 2019

Whats your favorite race on the World Cup Calendar? Krvavec (SLO)

Last but not least..what do you wish for the Future? To be steadily in top 15

Want to know more about MatějKopecký? Here some quick links to the Homepage, Sponsors, Partners...

Cooling technology Solution s.r.o.:
Daněk chlazení, s.r.o:
SINOP a.s.:
TouchWARE®, s.r.o :

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