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FIS Telemark Race Hinterthux 2021 & Tuxer Telemark Trainig Camp

Oct 27, 2021·Telemark

After 5 years of celebration of the FIS Worldcup Telemark Season Opening and a two years break, we start again the FIS Telemark Race Season at the Hintertux glacier.

The tourism association Tux-Finkenberg and the Zillertaler Gletscherbahn GmbH are very pleased, to invite all Telemark Friends, together with FIS Telemark, Tiroler Skiverband, Telemark Club St. Johann & to join the Event at the Hintertuxer glacier.

All relevant information you will get under the following link:

We wish you all a great Start into the Season 21/22 and stay tuned for more valuable information.

For more Events: Check the FIS Calendar 21/22

See also: